Kognitix : Game-Based Assessments by KNOLSKAPE

VAC is now powered with Kognitix

Engaging game-based insight for talent management & selection

Kognitix V1.1

Released in May 2017

Games released : Candy Crunch (measures Cognitive Flexibility)

Feature developed :

  • Dynamic game sequence & reporting
  • Multi-language support
  • Design for disability (color blindness)
  • AL integration (dynamic game sequence, score sharing, e-mail report feature)
  • Optimization & performance enhancement (game size <5 mb, avg. load time ~5 sec)
  • Prevention of response distortion (lock game on multiple refresh)
  • Poor connectivity support (seamlessly work on internet failures)

Games under development : Park Smart (Planning)


Overall, Kognitix has 6 games on offer currently : Mole Combat, Party Rush, Space Raid, Zombie Flush, Candy Crunch, Park Smart

These 6 games measure the following cognitive abilities & traits :

    • Attention
    • Response Inhibition
    • Memory
    • Risk taking ability
    • Problem Solving & Decision making
    • Processing Speed
    • Cognitive flexibility
    • Planning

New Game

Candy Crunch

In this game, the participant needs to match candy cards with the correct card stack based on certain rules. The correct rule changes often; And when it does, the participant needs to quickly adapt & change the matching strategy!

Measures Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive Flexibility is one’s ability to transition between multiple concepts almost at the same time to generate appropriate behavioral responses. This includes the ability to monitor, regulate, and change previously learned strategies if they are no longer effective. Cognitive flexibility also helps people adapt and learn new information. It is also the ability to see what isn't working and make appropriate changes. Cognitive Flexibility allows one to deal with situations that demand quick adaptation to complex changes, E.g.:

  • Being deputed to a foreign country that has a different social and work culture, language, food, etc.
  • Meeting unexpected demands in the workplace like managing multiple projects and client demands simultaneously
  • Adapting to a last-minute change of plan, etc.

New Features

Dynamic game sequence & reporting

  • Unique group links, having any number of games & in any sequence can be generated from Console
  • Dynamic reports to be auto generated after the gameplay, based on the games played

To create a game link : Konsole -> select "Kognitix" -> select the games & order under "Additional Options" section (refer the below snap for details). options to enable / disable user report access is also available in the same pane.

Internalization (Multi-language support)

  • Capability to support any language (left-to-right script)

Design for disability (Improved accessibility)

  • All games are enhanced on color accessibility for color-blind users

(Approximately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 (0.5%) women in the world are color blind)

  • Later versions to enhance design support for people with other visual, physical, learning & neurological disabilities

AL Integration

  • Games are tightly integrated with AL.
    • Supports dynamic game sequence generation & reporting
    • Game score sharing with AL
    • E-mail report feature

Optimization & Performance enhancement

  • Games are made super lightweight (every game is less than 5 mb in size)
  • Performance enhancement for very fast download time, even over weaker network (Avg. game load time ~5 sec)

Prevention of response distortion

  • Games are to get automatically locked after multiple refresh. Once locked, user won't be able to proceed without admin intervention. This refresh threshold is set to 5, and is configurable

Poor connectivity support

  • Seamlessly work on internet failures. In case of poor connectivity, allows user to complete the game & submit data once the connection is back

Kognitix V1.0

Released in February 2017

Games released : Mole Combat (Memory) , Party Rush (Risk Appetite), Space Raid (Attention, Response Inhibition)

Games under development : Zombie Flush (Problem Solving), Candy Crunch (Cognitive Flexibility)

Next in pipeline : Planning, Critical Thinking, Mental Agility

What is Kognitix?

Kognitix is a suite of fun, engaging, short game-based psychometric assessments. These games measure a host of key cognitive abilities & traits i.e. Risk Appetite, Cognitive Flexibility, Mental Agility, Attention, Speed, Response Inhibition, Memory, Information Gathering, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, etc.

Key Features

● Fun, Engaging, Short* suite of game-based Psychometric Assessments

● Assesses a host of cognitive abilities & traits

● Covers broad range of job-roles. Modular game-design to enable flexible mapping

● High on validity & reliability. Backed by Research & Neuroscience experiments

● Robust against faking & response distortion

● Instant dynamic reports providing scores, insights & development tips

● Mobile-first design. Accessible across mobile, tab & web

● Super lightweight**. No installation require

● Highly scalable. Can be easily integrated into existing processes

● 1000s of user data-points get captured from a 2-3 mins session

* Avg. game duration ~2-3 mins. ** Avg. game size less than 5 mb

Games Sneak-peek



  • Provides scores as well as insight & recommendation
  • Two standard variants available :
    • Recruitment variant (includes performance snapshot)
    • Development variant (includes development tips, etc.)

Kognitix Use Cases