AktivLearn v2.1.0
Released in December 2017
Version 2.1 comes with a major new feature addition, i.e., admin level analytics through which the Administrator can track the course progress and various user/usage data in a matter of few clicks. Apart from this, the simulations can now be deeply integrated with Aktivlearn directly from the admin mode.
1. Administrators can track various parameters of the learning group like usage status, platform adoption, region, and learning patterns all in one place with a dedicated analytics dashboard with rich graphs and charts.
2. Administrator can view/track course level and overall journey level leaderboard through a dedicated leaderboard tab. The admin can also search for a specific user and get a snapshot of his achievements (such as points, badges, etc.) in the journey. This way, he can also identify the outliers and take necessary actions to improve the effectiveness of the program.
3. Administrator can track the feedback collected from the learners through the feedback analytics tab in real-time. This will help him/her in getting insights on the content quality and platform usability from a learner's viewpoint and take necessary actions to improve the overall learner experience.
4. Administrator can download pre-defined as well as customized reports both at a journey level as well as course level through a dedicated reports tab. He can also get these reports in real-time.
5. Administrators can add a new simulation or an Action learning project (ALP) into any learning journey very quickly. We have moved away from the complicated process of adding via LTI(Learning Tools Interoperability) and thereby reducing a lot of manual errors while creating courses.
6. Administrators can view progress and reports of simulations and ALPs of learners all in one place in real-time
7. Learners are delighted faster than before. Even at peak load, AL's average browser load time and API load times are now at least 5X faster.
AktivLearn v2.1.1
Released in February and March 2018
Version 2.1.1 come with a brand new website / landing page for Aktivlearn. Apart from that, Aktivquest (AQ) is now seamlessly integrated with the AL platform. We now have the ability to add simulations, AQ, ALPs, etc. as separate courses on AL and, last but not the least, Aktivlearn is now SCORM compatible!
1. Aktivlearn has a new landing page / website along with new branding and logo.