Coaching Simulation

Coaching Simulation helps managers learn the essentials of coaching and apply it in a safe, real-life like environment. Coaching is a complex skill, as a coach should not only motivate the team but also master the nuances of dealing with the inner emotions of a team member. The Coaching Simulation has all these complexities built into itself, thereby making the learner exercise his faculty fully to have a successful coaching conversation.

Version v2.1

Released in May 2018

Major updates in this release: Addition of time component to the simulation

New Features

  • Coaching simulation now comes with timer like the rest of the simulations. It is available in three variants currently - 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 90 minutes.


  • Conversation content within the simulation has been updated in multiple scenarios to make the simulation more engaging.

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Version v2.0

Released in January 2018

Major updates in this release: Integration of GROW methodology into the conversation, and dynamic speed adjustment for messages

New Features

  • Background information of a coachee is available in email screen as well. Learners were unable to access the same when sending an email
  • A pause option has been introduced (top-right corner) in-order to provide learner the ability to pause the ongoing conversation when needed, for better readability and understanding. This feature is optional and can be disabled as and when required
  • All the phases of GROW are now tagged within the conversations enabling learners to understand the coaching methodology intuitively


  • Dynamic message duration: Speed at which conversation messages from the coach to coachee appear has been made dynamic based on the length of the message. This duration can be adjusted manually as well. This makes the readability of the conversation flexible for different kind of audience. (Speed can be adjusted from back-end only as of now given prior intimation)
  • Target Achieved metric has been added to the leader-board along with coaching readiness and performance values. Ranking is now based on all these three metrics


  • Upgrade in Architecture: Simulation code structure is refactored providing the following benefits
        • Better flexibility to add/modify anything on conversations and events of the simulation
        • Enabling new features addition in a simpler and quicker fashion

We always love to hear more from you. Reach us at